Oh yes! The most important thing on which everyone needs to pay attention to, but we usually ignore it. How to wear a backpack is not any super science, but it’s essential to know.

To protect yourself from back, neck, and shoulder ache, you have to wear the backpack correctly, i.e., a little above your waist.

Wearing a backpack is a repetitive thing; we wear it daily for school and colleges and weekend trips like trekking. So, properly wearing the backpack will help you carry it for a longer duration and protect you from aches and maintain proper posture.

Here we’ll tell you about the right way to carry a backpack. This will be a lot helpful for you.

Things to keep in mind while carrying a backpack

  • First and foremost, wear both the straps properly because hanging your bag will make your shoulders painful and make the bag feel even more decadent.
  • If you have chest or waist straps, do use them, it will help you distribute the weight equally. Using the chest strap, the weight on your shoulders will be reduced because now your chest strap is bearing half of the weight and helps you maintain both shoulder straps.
  • Your backpack should not sway from side to side while you walk. This will make your backache and redness on your back, and you will feel a burning sensation in your back.
  • Readjust your straps and put them in a comfortable place, i.e., not too tight and not too loose.
  • Make sure your straps are correctly placed and not folded from anywhere.
  • The waist, shoulder, and load strap should be adjusted in a proper way to avoid aches.

While wearing a backpack properly is one thing, you should select a good quality backpack that will not give you more backaches and other backpack problems.

Step by step method for wearing a backpack

Adjust the straps of the backpack: –

Before loading and wearing your backpack, always adjust your backpack correctly to prevent injuries, and also it’s comfortable for you to wear. Avoid leaving too much slack in the straps of the backpack, as wearing the backpack low can hurt your back. Make sure both the straps are of equal length to balance the weight on both shoulders.

Load your backpack: –

After your backpack is adjusted and customized, fill your backpack accordingly. Pack your bag carefully and keep the fragile stuff on to avoid damages. Do not overload your bag because it can hurt your back as well as can damage your backpack. Don’t carry more than 10% to 15% of your body weight to prevent injuries.

Wear your backpack: –

Now your bag is adjusted and filled, wear your bag correctly. Wear the backpack with both the shoulder straps on your shoulders, do not hang your bag on one side because that can hurt your shoulders. Wear the backpack above the waist level and not let it slung on your back. Readjust your straps accordingly and if your backpack had a waist and hip belts, make use of it because it provides stability.

Personalize your backpack: –

For rectifying your backpack among many backpacks, you can add some stuff outside your backpack, or we can say decorate it so that you can differentiate it from others. Writing your name and number on your backpack can help it get back to you if lost.

Some tips for buying the backpack and packing it properly that will give you comfort!

The backpack’s weight

Always take limited stuff inside your backpack and do not overload it. Like a regular backpack for work, school, or day hiking should not weigh more than 10% of your body weight, including your water bottle weight.

Children should not carry backpacks more than 10% to 20% of their weight that will be around 5 to 15 pounds.

For children I have a separate guide on what size backpack will be perfect for them:-

Backpacks straps

Adjustable backpack straps are a gem! They are a good fit for whatever you are wearing a T-shirt, a coat, a sweater and what not. Yes, but select a backpack with padded and wide shoulder straps; it will give you good support.

Chest and hip belts are a fantastic feature of any backpack. Chest belts improve the stability of the load and will prevent shoulder fall offs. For shoulder and back pain, look for a backpack with hip belts. Hip belts can help take the strain off the shoulders.

Backpack quality

A good quality backpack will have the best material that can carry heavy loads and have padded straps on the shoulder and back, which will protect you from aches. And most importantly will last long.

It will be worth the price.

Backpack length

The length of the backpack is also essential. Especially for children and women, usually, bags are designed for men that are quite long for women and children.

While adjusting the straps of your backpack, it should sit two inches below the shoulder. The backpack should end to your waist and should not cross two inches from your hips. Another way to check your backpack’s length is if the backpack has a hip belt, tie it and check how it fits the shoulder straps; if there is a gap between the shoulders, then it is too long. If the straps extend more than few inches, then the bag is too short for you.

We will recommend the women to take women-specific bags and children to go for children-specific bags.

Backpack first aid: –

Do carry a backpack first aid that contains the sewing kit, scissors, cutters, etc., in case of any accidents like ripping off your pack.

Wrong ways to wear a backpack – that you should avoid!

Low on the back: –

Losing your straps and wearing them lower on your back to look cool can give you severe back issues, affecting your health drastically.

Wearing the backpack low on your back will make your bag feel heavy. The straps will give you a tough time, so wear it properly, i.e., not below your waist.

Wearing the backpack on one side: –

Wearing your backpack on one side of your shoulder will make that shoulder carry all of the bag’s weight, and after some time, it will start paining. Wearing and walking one side shoulder bag will make you look cool in your college or school but is not suitable for your shoulders.

The danger doesn’t end on the shoulders, but it can also hurt your neck and may cause severe issues.

Keeping your backpack in front: –

No, no, no, this is the worst way to wear a backpack. This can make it easy to carry out your stuff from your backpack because it is in front but can give you severe neck problems. Don’t think carrying a backpack on one shoulder can only give you problems, but this may also cause injuries.


We hope we made you clear on how to wear a backpack properly. Knowing where your backpack should be placed on your back is very important because it will help you properly wear your backpack and save you from neck, shoulder, and back problems.

Hopefully, you will select a perfect backpack for you and follow the instructions for wearing it because a good quality backpack’s work is to make the backpack lightweight and not bulky.