There are various methods to lock the Backpack if the zippers are out or not closing. Before I start the tips and techniques, let us discuss the benefits of locking and securing the Backpack.

You can secure your Backpack with various methods. If your zippers are broken or are loose open, then you can replace them with buckles. You can also use elaborately knotted rope ribbons to secure and pack your Backpack without the zippers.

People or your mates can sneak into your Backpack without your permission. Anyone can take anything out of your Backpack when you are not looking at it. It is necessary to secure your Backpack along with your belongings by locking your zippers or securing the pockets of your Backpack.

Another reason to lock and secure your Backpack is to keep it from opening when you are hiking, traveling, or riding while carrying your bag. The troublesome zippers may cause you to lose your material when you are holding your Backpack. To avoid such misfortunes, it necessary to secure and lock your Backpack.

How to lock your Backpack?

As I described why you should lock and secure your Backpack when you are hiking or walking as zippers may slip open, and your belongings may fall without you sensing it. Let us talk about a few quick and easy methods to lock the Backpack if zippers are not working or are slip open. One more thing for your convenience that quick tips come with their pros and cons. Choose the methods that suit your Backpack and the situation you are dealing with, like hiking, walking, riding, or traveling.

1. A Lockable Backpack

There are a variety of backpacks in the market with various security options. You can buy a lockable backpack that comes with pre-fitted lockers and zippers. The zipper pulls all the lock segments in the bag. It is one of the safest methods to rely upon. The lock leaves a small area of the opening to be operated by the specially designed keys.

2. A Cable Lock

Well, let’s face the fact that if a person fails in getting into your Backpack, the person likely may take it himself. Shocking! Right? But I have a hack for it too. You can easily place your hands-on Cable lockers. They are readily available in shops and markets.

Cable lockers are string and durable metal cables. They are wrapped through the straps of bags. They are wrapped around an immovable object like a pole or a tree, or a handle. That makes it impossible for any person to walk off with your Backpack.

The cable lock is not foolproof because a professional thief can use sensitive material to cut your Backpack’s straps and slide the safety off. So, to avoid such a chance, you should wrap the lock cable around multiple parts of the Backpack to avoid this burglary and secure your Backpack.

3. Using Wrap Netting

The Backpack zippers are not working; then, there is an option that hikers mainly utilize. Wrap-Netting is a tool that is wrapped around the Backpack. Its material is either rope or metallic. And it’s an excellent tool to secure a backpack because no one can sneak into your Backpack through the wrapped net around the bag’s zippers and pockets.

The name of the tools is explaining their nature and usage. It can go around any backpack and secure it for you from theft. Metal netting is the most effective and durable due to its unbreakable material and structure, and you can use it for extended periods than the rope wrap. The rope wrap net may get cuts and is breakages after using it for some time.

4. Choosing the Right Design of Backpack.

If you already have brought your Backpack, then this might sound cranky. But one of the proper methods to secure and pack a backpack without zippers is a bag which has not the upper loading pockets. These backpacks come with alternatives to zippers like buttons, flip ropes, and tightening ropes to secure the packed material inside the bag. The down zipper bags are also secure because thieves cannot try to sneak into such complicated backpacks. If you want to avoid theft, you can choose backpacks with fewer upper pockets and other security options other than zippers.

5. Use Zip Ties

An ideal backpack has a limited number of pockets. Because more pockets on the upper surface mean more chances of theft and burglary, to keep the Backpack secure, you can use zip ties to keep the loosen zippers in their place and locked. Zip ties are cheap and available in the market. It’s a simple tool to be used, but it can ensure the security of the Backpack. Zip ties can be broken when you reach your destination. They are simple to be cut off.

Conclusion (Preventives Measures from Burglary):

The critical thing to remember while packing back with loose zippers or broken zippers is to ensure the Backpack’s security. Use every available method to secure your Backpack because thieves are loaded with plans to steal or walk off with your Backpack. You can make arrangements by choosing the right backpack design with fewer pockets and using security tools and methods to make your Backpack secure from thieves.

You can also secure your Backpack by keeping the valuable things in the chest bags you hold around your body. It would give you a secure feeling that your useful things are safe. Cloths and other items can be kept in the Backpack. If the zippers are broken, or a thief wants to sneak into your bag, nothing valuable would be stolen.

Also, you can use touch sensors for the security of your bag. If you are very conscious about your Backpack and belongings, you can put a sensor around the Backpack’s openings and pockets. If anyone wants to open without permission or in your absence, you will receive a notification.